True Blood Season 4 Episode 8 Online

Eric Sookie and side with the king when Bill and Marnie prepare for an epic confrontation, Lafayette is possessed by a spirit problematic, Tommy gains a new perspective on life, Sam is a dangerous opponent in the head of Marcus Wolf, who also happens to be ex Luna, Jessica is facing a housing crisis.

Prepare to be mesmerized as True Blood Season 4 Episode 8 Free Online. The title of this new episode is Spellbound. Like the above to make sure that everything will be playing in our seats with suspense as we see this new treatment of the series True Blood. In our place is always packed, as I can invite my friends to come home and catch the weekly episodes. We rotate schedules that will bring food and drinks. Last week was our turn and tonight is the wife of my cousin. There are twelve of us watching every Sunday night at home. This includes me and my wife.